If you require accessibility assistance for your business, or are an individual with accessible needs, BUILD 4 ALL LLC is here to help.

Public Accessibility

BUILD 4 ALL LLC can assist your business develop aesthetically designed store plans and display fixtures to meet federal and local accessibility standards.

A common mistake designers often make with accessibility is in viewing accessible requirements as obstacles from which a design must be worked around. However, the key for success is to integrate accessible features into the core elements of your design from the start by using them as a means of assisting others to access your creativity in an enjoyable manner.

If done successfully, individuals shouldn't even know they are interacting with an accessible feature, whether they require assistance or not. BUILD 4 ALL LLC can also assist business owners assess and plan for mitigating the impact of pre-existing construction and for violations received due to current as-built conditions.

BUILD 4 ALL LLC is fully committed to ending discrimination in all forms. As an individual living with Fibromyalgia, the founder of BUILD 4 ALL LLC has a personal understanding of how aesthetically functional design can be used to eliminate discrimination towards those with accessible needs.

Designing for Accessibility doesn't have to be difficult.

Three decades of experience with Accessible standards allows BUILD 4 ALL LLC's  to assist with making designs, layouts and custom fixtures fully compliant while maintaining your design intent.

Accessibility is protected under Federal Law for the purpose of preventing discrimination as well as for the benefit of maintaining safe and comfortable living standards for all persons.

Some of the ways BUILD 4 ALL LLC can assist you with accessibility:

General accessibility (Americans with Disabilities act / ADA) planning and design assistance.

Zoning and building applications for accessible improvements (such as wheelchair lifts and ramps).

Start up advice and guidance for making your business accessible.

Accessibility violations due to construction.

Review of discriminating / non-compliant construction and facilities for individuals.